Take A Look At All These Weird Rats

As soon as Ethan arrived on Rottnest Island, he began to feel as if he was being observed by a dark presence. The shadows seemed to move and strange rustlings disturbed the silence. If he spoke Dutch, Ethan would have known that the the European sailors who called this place Rottnest left a terrible warning hidden within the very name, for the entire island is quite literally a “rat’s nest,” a great limestone rock teeming with ravenous vermin.  

As dusk approached, dozens of giant rats began to emerge from the bush and the terrifying scale of the island’s corruption came into focus. 

Even the settlement was not safe from these loathsome beasts and bold individuals could be found stalking the streets of Thomson Bay at all hours.

The rats seemed to spend most of their time gorging themselves on detritus cast off from the islands many small trees and shrubs. Fortunately, they do not yet seem to have developed a taste for man-flesh although Ethan fears that it is probably only a matter of time.

This guy is entirely too excited to to be eating a stick with a few leaves on it. Some of these rats must have truly deranged minds.

This rat has found another type of plant to eat.

A more understandable reaction to being forced to eat random plant parts off of the ground

Ethan could tell that this rat had recently begun scheming about a new, meatier food source after years of bitter resignation to its “natural” diet

Master Splinter here has clearly been studying the customs of his human neighbors and has fashioned himself a primitive plate. A most disturbing development.

When they aren’t feeding or randomly passed out on the ground, the rats would just sort of sit there as this absolute unit is demonstrating. 

They seem to have little fear and possess virtually no survival instincts. Ethan thought this was reassuring at first but now he just worries that they know something he doesn’t.

In the dark corners of the island, the fecund loins of Rottnest’s rats churn forth an ever-increasing tide of repulsive varmints. In the shadows, the spawn feed and grow strong. One day soon they will emerge to challenge the hegemony of man.

Eventually, the young venture out in search of more leaves and twigs in a vain attempt to satiate their growing hunger. 

Unable to satisfy their cravings through nature’s bounty alone, some young rats turn to a life of crime. Here are just two of the delinquents that waylaid Ethan as he was attempting to find birds.

Ethan saw this rat practicing its fierce jump-kicking attacks. This is not good.

This was by far the most demented rat that Ethan encountered. It was doubtless well acquainted with the flesh of humans and rats alike and was surely also guilty of a multitude of other crimes too heinous to mention.

As grotesque as Charles Entertainment Cheese and as vile as Stuart Little, the rats of Rottnest Island are dreadful beasts that should be avoided at all costs. Ethan feels very fortunate to have escaped that cursed island with his life but to this day he is haunted by the notion that someday, perhaps under the guidance of a charismatic, murine intellectual such as Master Splinter, the rats will take to the sea in which event nowhere in the world would be safe.