Locustellidae: The Grassbirds and Allies

Ethan has recorded 7 out of 67 Locustellids.

Poodytes punctatus (New Zealand Fernbird)

Poodytes gramineus (Little Grassbird)

Cincloramphus palustris (Striated Grassbird)

Cincloramphus timoriensis (Tawny Grassbird)

Cincloramphus mariae (New Caledonian Grassbird)

Helopsaltes certhiola (Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler)

Helopsaltes pryeri (Marsh Grassbird)

Wow, Ethan and I are both surprised that you made it all the way to this page.  He would be the first to admit that this is one of the worst ones but it is not totally his fault. These guys suck. They are super generic and boring and even if he had found more than two of them it would still be bad. To make it up to you, here are a bunch of photos I stole from Ethan’s phone that you can look at if you want to. Ethan’s Photos