Phylloscopidae: The Leaf Warblers

This is the worst bird family. Ethan has recorded 16 out of 80 Leaf Warblers.

Phylloscopus inornatus (Yellow-Browed Warbler)

Phylloscopus pulcher (Buff-Barred Warbler)

Phylloscopus proregulus (Pallas’s Leaf Warbler)

The closest Ethan has come to seeing a manul


Phylloscopus humei (Hume’s Leaf Warbler)

Phylloscopus yunnanensis (Chinese Leaf Warbler)

Phylloscopus ijimae (Ihima’s Leaf Warbler)

Phylloscopus cantator (Yellow-Vented Warbler)

Phylloscopus trivirgatus (Mountain Leaf Warbler)

Phylloscopus presbytes (Timor Leaf Warbler)

Recorded on Flores

Phylloscopus subaffinis (Buff-Throated Warbler)

Phylloscopus schwarzi (Radde’s Warbler)

Phylloscopus armandii (Yellow-Streaked Warbler)

Phylloscopus coronatus (Eastern Crowned Warbler)

Phylloscopus maculipennis (Ashy-Throated Warbler)

Phylloscopus castaniceps (Chestnut-Crowned Warbler)

Phylloscopus grammiceps (Sunda Warbler)